Timely Decisions: Mastering the FINVIZ Calendar

by Jessy
finviz calendar

The financial world thrives on information. For investors and traders, staying ahead of the curve means anticipating economic data releases that can significantly impact the market. The FINVIZ Calendar is a free and powerful tool that empowers you to do just that.

What is the FINVIZ Calendar?

The FINVIZ Calendar is a comprehensive online resource that displays upcoming economic data releases. It provides a clear and concise overview of each release, including:

Date & Time: The specific date and time the data is scheduled to be released.

Impact: An indication of how significant the data is expected to be for the market (high, medium, low).

Economic Indicator: The specific economic data point being released (e.g., unemployment rate, consumer confidence, retail sales).

Actual (Recent): The most recent actual data point (not available for upcoming releases).

Expected: Economist forecasts for the upcoming data point.

Prior: The previous data point for comparison.

Why Use the FINVIZ Calendar?

There are several compelling reasons to incorporate the FINVIZ Calendar into your investment strategy:

Enhanced Awareness: Gain a clear picture of upcoming economic releases that could potentially impact your investments.

Informed Decisions: Use the calendar to anticipate potential market movements and adjust your trading strategies accordingly.

Identify Trends: Analyze historical data and economic forecasts to identify trends that might affect specific sectors or asset classes.

Free & Easy to Use: Access the FINVIZ Calendar for free, with no registration required.

User-Friendly Interface: The calendar is easy to navigate and understand, with clear explanations of each data point.

Customizing Your View

The FINVIZ Calendar allows for customization to suit your specific needs:

  • Filter by Impact: Focus only on high or medium-impact releases to avoid information overload.
  • Choose a Date Range: See upcoming releases for a specific timeframe relevant to your trading horizon.
  • Change Time Zone: Ensure release times are displayed in your local time zone for better planning.

The Basics: Premium Features

Real-time Data: Access the latest economic data releases as they happen.

Historical Data Analysis: Analyze historical trends and compare them to current forecasts.

Backtesting: Test your trading strategies against historical economic data to see how they would have performed.

Understanding Economic Data Releases

Economic data releases are crucial but can be complex. Here are some key points to remember:

Market Volatility: High-impact releases can cause significant market volatility. Be prepared for price swings.

Data Surprises: Sometimes, the actual data can deviate from expectations, leading to unexpected market movements.

Consider the Broader Context: Don’t base decisions solely on one data point. Consider the overall economic environment and ongoing trends.


The FINVIZ Calendar is a valuable tool for any investor or trader looking to stay informed about market-moving economic events. By using the calendar to anticipate data releases and understand their potential market impact, you can be better prepared to make informed investment decisions. Remember, the FINVIZ Calendar is just one piece of the puzzle. Always conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making investment decisions.


  • Is the FINVIZ Calendar free to use?

Yes, the basic features of the FINVIZ Calendar are free.

  • Do I need to register to use the FINVIZ Calendar?

No, registration is not required.

  • What are some examples of high-impact economic data releases?

Examples include Non-Farm Payroll data, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and Consumer Price Index (CPI).

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